Saturday, April 16, 2011

Red Sampler

My EGA group has decided that for 2011 we are going to concentrate on finishing projects we started in previous years and want to finally finish. I hope to have several to post here!
Here is a sampler I finished during the February snowstorm. This was a stitch-along in the Hand Dyed Fiber forum that started last September. The thread is Perfect Red 6213 from Hand Dyed Fibers and the fabric is Toasted Almond.

The chart is a free one that can be found here:

It is the "Petit Sampler Rouge" from Le blog de Louisin.

I changed the sampler some to make it more personal.  I changed the design in the circles to hearts and blood drops.

Here is a snail I added. I found a free chart online and changed it a little to make the shell look a little like a heart. I also graphed the crosses.
And here is a Laurel wreath I graphed. All the changes I made were to add symbols that relate to another hobby, the Society for Creative Anachronisms.

1 comment:

  1. Happy new blog!!
    and congratulations for your nice "petit rouge"
